Emma Blog Tour

It's time for the blog tour! Here are the stops:

Tuesday July 30

www.thesecretunderstandingofthehearts.blogspot.com guest post on advice in Emma and giveaway 

Wednesday July 31

Thursday Aug 1

Friday Aug 2

www.literarytimeout.blogspot.com review, guest post, and giveaway 

Saturday Aug 3

Monday Aug 5

www.ilovetoreadandreviewbooks.blogspot.com review, guest post, and giveaway 

Tuesday Aug 6

Wednesday Aug 7

www.fireandicephoto.blogspot.com guest post and giveaway

mjmbecky.blogspot.com guest post about Jane Austen

Thursday Aug 8

www.mybookaday.blogspot.com review, giveaway, and guest post about Jane Austen inspiration

Friday Aug 9

 www.lisaisabookworm.blogspot.com review and giveaway 

Saturday Aug 10

www.everyfreechance.com  review, giveaway, and interview 

Monday Aug 12

www.ldsandlovinit.blogspot.com review, interview, giveaway 

Tuesday Aug 13

Wednesday August 14


  1. Wow - August 13 it's available? That is coming up so fast. Are you going to have copies for sale too? Or a signing close by? I want to be there.

    1. Yes, I'll have copies for sale. They're on their way, so I should have them soon.

      I'll also be signing at Sandy Costco on August 14 from 12-3 or West Valley Costco August 16 from 12-3.

      And Annette's doing a launch party sometime in September.


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