Happy 2015 and a Giveaway

I hope 2014 has been good to you. I feel so blessed when I consider all the good things that happened this past year. There were bad things too, that's for sure, but I'm learning to focus on the good things a little more. (I love my gratitude journal.)

It's been a fun break. My daughter is home from college, my oldest son got accepted to his college of choice, and my 14-year-old became an Eagle scout.

In the coming year, I plan to become more confident. I'm always hesitant to invite people over to my home, so it's one of my goals to have friends over more often. I also want to learn to use PowerPoint and sell some of my stuff on eBay--both are things that intimidate me.

Beyond that, I want to attend the temple more, keep track of the books I read, set up better reward systems for the kids, and help my children with all their goals. Oh, and I need to finish writing the book I'm working on.

I have plans for new blogging adventures in 2015. Last month, Sharon Lathan and Regina Jeffers asked me to participate in the new Austen Authors blog, which starts at the end of January. I've always wanted to be involved in a blog like Austen Authors, and I'm excited to start writing Austen-related posts.

Here's a giveaway from Austen Authors.
